Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to your questions here or just simply send us an email at

Why do I need Easysella?

Easysella’s goal is to help Nigerian entrepreneurs and merchants make a living by selling their physical merchandise and products online. Easysella provides you with an online infrastructure to sell whatever you want. With one simple platform, you can learn about eCommerce, set up your online store, sell your products and accept payments seamlessly.

Do I need a card to sign up?

No. You can sign up for Easysella and test things out for free — no strings attached, no card required. If you then choose to upgrade to a paid plan later, you will need to make payment.

What happens to my Easysella Pro store if I fail to upgrade?

Your Easysella Pro store will be downgraded to the Free store plan.

How do I get paid?

Merchants are paid via direct deposit by requesting for a payout as scheduled via the Easysella merchant portal. All payouts will be sent to your local bank account, as setup by you during your store setup process.

Easysella currently only support Naira payments via the Easysella checkout. Settlements for payments are available 2 days after a successful sale transaction.

Are there transaction fees?

Yes there are transaction fees. Every store plan will incur a small transaction fee of 4%+N100 after every successful sale.

Can I cancel anytime?

Definitely you can. There are no long-term commit. No hard feelings should we part ways — we want you to find the best solution for you.